Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Dana Perino and Junkyard Wars

So Dana Perino still isn't bowing out of her mission to defame the President who employs her. It's too breathlessly important to talk down the America that pays her salary; pays her excellent medical and dental plan that she would deny us, to bother to be consistent with what she just finished saying or with objective reality. Why should she, after all? She's preaching to her own demented and dishonest choir, none of whom is any smarter or more honest than she is.

A few days ago, it was wrong for President Obama to play golf because "there's a war on." Yesterday it was just fine to call him to task for not calling a shooting "terrorism" even though "there's a war on." Criticizing the President in time of "war" is only treason when the President is of their tribe, you know and it's never treason when Fox does it. Anything goes, you see, when you're blond and perky. Anything -- even forgetting that the 9/11 attacks were not only on George W. Bush's watch, but that George W. Bush wasn't actually watching and had effectively shot down those who were. But hey, that was history and history is a junkyard from which you take parts and assemble your own truth.
"We did not have a terrorist attack on our country during president Bush's term,"

Perino said to Sean 'Insanity' Hannity on Fox last night. The old Fox with the botox face didn't even flinch. She went on to politicize the shootings at Fort Hood by accusing Barack Obama of "politicizing" the shootings at Fort Hood by not calling the act of an American officer "terrorism" in advance of any evidence to back that up other than the man's religion.

So why is it so important, other than for reasons of creating a religious war, to label the Fort Hood murders terrorism? So that she can pretend Bush was a protector and Obama is not. She needs a "terrorist" attack to create a false equivalence no matter how outrageously unequal it may be. In her little mind, your little mind will accept that the billions of dollars of destruction and the 3000 or so lives is equivalent to an American officer going wacko and shooting up his fellow soldiers and therefore Barack Obama is a failure.

What's in a name? Everything, it seems. The difference between death by friendly fire and terrorism is all in the politics of the beholder, whether or not the fire is friendly. If someone "fragged" his commanding officer, it's not terrorism and if Pat Tillman was shot by his own men, that's not terrorism either. Charles Manson isn't a terrorist, even though his mission was to strike terror into the hearts of white people and start a war. David Berkowitz wasn't a terrorist although he terrorized New York -- and why? A political football is not a football until someone kicks it and the Grand Old Fox has no interest in doing so unless it serves their need of supporting Republicans and toppling Democrats.

I've seen famous comedians booed off the stage for making mild jokes about George Bush, I've had death threats for saying Reagan had serious flaws. Where is the outrage now? Where is the response to such amateurish, clumsy and wildly dishonest propaganda coming, like foul breath, out of the mouths of Fox?


  1. Well if Perino said we did not have a terrorist attack during the Bush Administration, it must be true.

    Would she lie to us?

    Or is she merely stupid?

    What was Obama thinking?

  2. Can we define it as lying if the liar is mentally unfit to tell truth from fiction by reason of stupidity or ignorance or Obama Derangement syndrome?

    I have no idea what he was thinking!

  3. Perino requires Senate confirmation for her appointment to the BBG.

    Perhaps the Senators can save President Obama from himself.

    Who on earth thought she was a good idea? Too stupid to serve in government at any level. Her previous experience should have made that abundantly clear. And a partisan hack of the very most transparent sort.

    What. A. Moron.

  4. Moron indeed and I think that's flattering her. Not as much of one of course, as the dude who told me in another blog that I was a Nazi looking for a "final solution" for criticizing her.

    Moron doesn't really cover it - even insanity fall short. I hate to use words like evil, but you know. . .

  5. The amazing thing is that, by Perino's reckoning, John Allen Muhammad (the recently-deceased "Beltway Sniper") was a terrorist, too. So there was, in fact, a terror attack on Bush's watch.

    But we can hardly expect the stenographers of modern media to make that kind of connection, can we.

  6. They're so used to using undefined terms, it probably doesn't occur to them. Terrorist is a term of convenience; a tactical term. The KKK is a terrorist group but Dana would never call those good Christians that - if she has heard of them, that is. I wonder if she remembers the Beirut bombing that killed 241 Americans. Wasn't that terrorism? Or was it maybe guerrilla warfare - or were they maybe freedom fighters since Beirut is in a foreign country not partial to US occupation. Best not call it terrorism because Saint Reagan the Faultless ran away like a little girl. Hell, he didn't even bomb an innocent third party!


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