Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Palining around with Terrorists

"I believe that the Jewish settlements should be allowed to be expanded upon, because that population of Israel is, is going to grow. More and more Jewish people will be flocking to Israel in the days and weeks and months ahead"
said Miss Maverick to Barbara Walters, thinking as she does in lock step with the PsychoChristian Book of Revelation terrorist Church. At least this time she's speaking in almost understandable English rather than in tongues.

Like many euphemism addicts, she seems as well to avoid the use or the word Jew as though it were a socially offensive term, which it is not, but neither is it surprising that she has problems with Judaism, seeing Jews as anything but pawns or with the notion of a government that derives from the will of the governed.

I have to ask myself how we get a Maverick, a renegade or anything but a victim of another sort of politico-religious correctness in Sarah Palin. I have to ask myself how many Americans really want our foreign policy derived from John of Patmos or even Billy "The Jews are ruining the country" Graham, currently suffering from Alzheimer's, who she recently visited to get some guidance about what the Bible commands our country to do in Iraq, Iran and Israel.

I actually get a lot of amusement out of this breathless 2000 year "any minute now" wait, although horrors like Jonestown do put a damper on it. But face it, Palin is a rogue only in the sense of being an unprincipled, deceitful, and unreliable person; a scoundrel or rascal. She hasn't separated herself from the herd of regimented thinking, she's embraced myth as truth, defined a demented dogma as independent thinking and yearns for absolute theocratic rule as much as any medieval Pope -- and lower taxes for the rich who are more favored by God, of course. Most and worst of all, she is part of and is informed by a cult anticipating the greatest act of terrorism since Noah's Flood.

Sorry Sarah, Jesus has been here and gone. I'm not interested in your ambition to promote a war in the Middle East, I think Israel should stop building settlements in occupied land and that people should live in peace. I'm not converting to your hare-brained death cult and I'll be damned if I'm going to let you throw away two centuries of secular democracy. I'm not "flocking" to Israel, nor is anyone else and if there is some damned god who wants a war there, he'll have to start it himself.


  1. Palin is living proof that Sarahdons still roam the Earth.

  2. I can always count on Sarah to open her mouth and make me laugh!
    Her fear of the "J" word is amusing but typical. I'm not sure why there would be Jews from around the world "flocking" to Israel. Last time I checked Israel already had plenty of Jews.
    By expanding settlements in already disputed land would only serve to further embroil Israel in more conflict and lead to more deaths and destruction.
    Of course, it might also open the door for US involvement which apparently has the warmongers frothing at the mouth.
    I'm disappointed in the Obama administration for not doing enough to help stabilize the Middle East and I'm kind of pissed that just as we are looking to a reduction/withdrawl of troops in Iraq, those same tired troops will now be redeployed to Afghanistan.

  3. If the Sarahdon read a newspaper, such the "librul" New York Times, she would learn that Jewish settlements on occupied land is the #1 stumbling block to getting the parties to the peace table;, that with each passing year, the situation grows more intractable and unsolvable. The Sarahdon needs a policy policy advisor to tutor her in such matters. I nominate Captain Fogg.

  4. Personally, I have decided to VOTE for Sarah Palin in 2012!

    Yep, I want to give the right wing Fox News loving bunch exactly what they would consider nirvana...

    Then I also believe she needs a majority in the house and the senate and I think she deserves that also!

    In otherwords let them have the whole ball of wax from 2012 to 2014 (mid term elections) then we can take back congress, impeach her ass, and give freedom of speech to everyone EXCEPT FOX NEWS...

    Good Lord, this country made it through 8 years of GWB...two of Palin will be easy!

    I say lets take one for a better future for our kids! Put an end to the insanity and let this woman run the show for two years!

    Then keep a list of her supporters and shoot their ass after she is impeached...

    I am waiting for her to discuss economic policy....

  5. TAO is definitely on the right track.

  6. You nominate who? Uh, Fogg's not here man. . .

  7. "You nominate who? Uh, Fogg's not here man. . ."

    Well, when you see him, tell him his country needs him ... now more than ever before.


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