Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Me too! I was disgusting too!

The first thing that came to mind when I saw George Bush and Bill Clinton trying to control their mutual loathing while sharing a podium for the President's bi-partisan humanitarian effort, was that Clinton shouldn't be forced to associate with the most embarrassing thing that ever crept into the White House on two legs; the most embarrassing president we have had in our history. He shouldn't be forced to work with a party whose major spokesmen are still giggling about it being a publicity stunt to gain favor with "light skinned and dark skinned" groups and recommending against saving any lives.

I think we should call it the Coulter principle: find some tragedy, some enormity, some egregious horror and turn it inside out.
" Clinton is a 'national embarrassment' and Bush shouldn't be 'forced' to partner with him" hissed the wicked witch on Fox News' Geraldo at Large last Sunday. "To force poor ex-President Bush -- like he hasn't suffered enough -- to be hanging around with Bill Clinton, who's leaving his essence on Kleenex in the White House..."
Sleazy enough for you?

As Raw Story tells us, Coulter seems to feel she missed the sleaze train with the tragedy in Haiti, with Robertson, Beck and Limbaugh scooping her badly while she was off in the bushes shedding her skin.
"Stop asking about Rush's statement. I made some controversial statements this week too,"
she warned Geraldo. I'm quite sure she did -- it's just that the screams of a quarter million maimed and dying people drowned her out.


  1. Ann Coulter should be horsewhipped!!
    I'm sick about the Shrub standing there with Obama and Clinton like he really gives 2 shits about Haiti! Damn he's pitiful!

  2. I watched GWB standing next to Obama and then during his short interview...

    I saw a man the was obviously very uncomfortable in the limelight and to me it looked like he has been hitting the bottle a wee bit too hard lately...

    Coulter gets paid to talk trash....and it was obvious the the weight of the mess that GWB had made of things weighed pretty heavy on his shoulders...

  3. Bush does look a lot less cocky, doesn't he? A lot older too. It's tempting to speculate about what's going on in his mind, but God only knows how or what he thinks.

    It's wonderful to see the slime-bucket "conservative commentators" trying to outslime each other.

  4. The jaunt was gone and it looked like Laura is giving him his haircuts...

    I felt that he spent his last few months in office wanting Obama to take over early...

    Its been a real rough transition...

    As far as Coulter goes....she is just pissed that she is too skanky for Bill...

  5. Well, old Dubya does look sort of tired and chastened these days. But I thought President Obama's idea was a pretty good one -- this is a humanitarian issue, and as such it's possible to call for a non-partisan drive to raise money and do whatever can be done for the victims. I would just ignore the vicious punditry coming from the right -- they take the same line about everything Obama does. Clinton has worked with Bush 41, which is certainly an odd matchup, and at some point all ex-presidents need to set a course for the "afterlife" of their time in office, whatever their shortcomings and mistakes. 43 included.

  6. The President in charge when Katrina hit.
    The President who this week has an old memory of Lewinsky.
    Only shows that no matter mistakes, they are still useful.
    Blast them, then thank them.

  7. A little bipartisan match-up over humanitarian aid isn't a bad idea from two perspectives. First, it may encourage more people to put away the boxing gloves and lend a helping hand. Second. it provides President Obama with political cover. It is just a wee bit more difficult for the slime machine to dismiss aid to Haiti when Junior Bush is at the podium.

    In fact, it makes the slime machine appear all the more pathological from both sides of the partisan divide.

    Besides, seeing Bush again reinforced my "wince reaction." I had almost forgotten what it felt like.

  8. I watched the 3 of them and I must say that I felt PROUD that Obama asked his predecessors to come together for help with such a tragic incident. But it saddens me to hear how some are twisting this for ratings, political points and are bickering and snickering about it as if it’s some kind of joke.

    This is a dreadful event that has cost many innocent lives and the suffering of the Haitians will continue long after our humanitarian relief has left their country. So, I could care less what Bush or Clinton looked liked or what they did or didn’t do while in office. I’d rather see them push up their shirtsleeves and help those innocent people in Haiti who, through no fault of their own, need aid in ways that we can’t even imagine.

  9. Pamela, you are 100% right about putting the focus where it should be: On the human tragedy in Haiti. Yet, it seems incomprehensive that there are people who would spin such a terrible tragedy and make themselves the focus of attention. This kind of narcissism is the ultimate nihilism, an affront to all civilized people.

    Often I get impatient at the amount of attention these people get (and I prefer to focus my energy on other matters), but there comes a time when the schoolyard bully is such a bastard, you want to strike back in kind.

  10. I'm on board with the idea that this is a nonpartisan humanitarian effort and for once, former President Bush actually behaved appropriately. I thought he was trying really hard to be a part of the team.
    Like TAO, I wonder about his drinking problem and if it has gotten worse. I suspected that in the months before he left office that he was hitting the bottle again.
    And Pam is right - it should be about the death and suffering in Haiti and not a political free for all.
    All those who wish to politicize this are behaving in a very unpatriotic, inhumane manner.

  11. It's long past time the "liberal" media stopped treating these demagogues as if they belonged in polite society. Let there be no more Leno Limbaugh interviews! They should treat these sociopaths the way they'd talk to a serial killer.

  12. Matt: The only problem is that even serial killers get 1st page coverage these days!

    It's not just Liberal Media, either. These Demagogues get 24/7 coverage on both sides because they get their negative coverage from the Left but positive coverage from the Right, then they also have their blogs, columns, books, guest spots and interviews. We're bombarded with them. I don't mind a little bit, but enough already.

    I used to enjoy talk-radio, but lately I can't handle all the negativity. I'll listen to Dr. Laura then pop in some classical music. I need tranquility.


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