Thursday, March 11, 2010


My newest creation is a video about the return of paranoid politics in our time, set to the tune of a defunct metal band called idiot. The CD it's all a lie was pressed before the movie Idiocracy was a glimmer in the eye.


  1. But ... but ... but I see terrorisks everywherz!

    (Great video, Matt)

  2. Iknowze! Dey r UNDER MY BED OH NOES

    (I'm having a Pogo moment.)

    I should point out that all misspellings in any work of mine are completely intentional and intended to reflect the caliber of those I lampoon.

  3. Oh Shit! That was sooo fucking awesome!! I loved it! Fantasfuckintic!!!

  4. It okay, Matt, we understand. Sooner or later, everyone has a Dan Quayle moment.

  5. Bro, I hope you don't mind me putting it on my blew my mind, and the music was awesome!

  6. "We have met the enemy and he is us. ..."

  7. Teeluck, that's why I enable embedding. Be my guest!

  8. Great "newest creation", as for the enemy, he has always been us.

  9. Nice job, Matt. I had no idea that Murdoch was a commie. That 'splains some things. There are so many closeted commies walking around, it's really about time we started seriously exposing them for what they really are. This video is a perfect start. How about unmasking Rushbo's inner commie next? (Why, he wants to run off to Costa Rica with its socialized health care; had his "heart attack" in Hawaii where -- surprise, surprise! -- there is universal health care; and if his visceral hatred of libruls is not a sure sign of trying extremely hard to supress his own inner commie, then I don't know what is.)

  10. Elizabeth, yours is the superior commie-spotting.

  11. Octo, there's a Day Quayle connection to this video: William Kristol is the former Quayle staffer who recommended Sarah Palin to John McCain.

    Kristol is, of course, FAMOUS for his idiocy. I just wrote about his latest idiocy the other day.


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