Thursday, March 11, 2010

Obama to impose ban on fishing

I feel left out. The hysterical e-mails about Obama's latest evil deed usually hit my in-box before Fact or Urban or get around to debunking the latest scoop from the bottomless crock. Surprising indeed since nearly everyone where I live has a boat and loves to fish. Stuart, Florida, where my boat lives is the Sailfish capitol of America. This time I got wind of it before the fishy smell stank up my e-mail client

Obama, you see, wants to ban fishing. That's right, out of pure African-American freedom hating Marxist malice, Opie will have to throw away his bamboo pole and the Cat Fish House on Rte. 1 will have to close and of course we'll believe it because we'll believe anything that feeds our racism and anarchist paranoia. The public has a right to fish, you see, just like I have the right to kill every last damned bird in the federal sanctuary I live next to. The Bible agrees.

The real story of course is that an Obama administration task force charged with developing a comprehensive plan for managing U.S. ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes ecosystems stopped taking public input so it could prepare its final report. The deadline for writing letters simply ran out. That's right, just like the income tax is pure Marxism ( or Fascism if it suits your particular dementia better, ) scientific fish and wildlife management usually supported by sportsmen, is now a ban on commercial and recreational fishing.

It's all a case of slippery slopes, the fallacy behind virtually all Republican "principle' these days. Adjust the deer hunting season in Georgia, extend the snook season in South Florida and it will inevitably lead to an outright ban and therefore it IS an outright ban regardless of whether we've had such seasons and controls for a hundred years and regardless of the fact that we owe the continued existence of game fish and other wildlife to scientific management.

Will they ever tire of the daily lie? Not until you do.


  1. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!

    I saw something on Twitter the other day joking about Obama coming for your guns AND your fishing poles. I had no idea what they were talking about.


  2. Maybe instead of the Daily Kos, we could start a site called"The Daily Lie."

  3. I will donate my fishing poles...

    They hang in the garage and the line gets all over the place....

  4. out of pure African-American freedom hating Marxist malice

    Is right. We should assume already, once and for all, that anything Obama does -- eat lunch, scratch his head, go to the bathroom -- is done for that very reason and expresses nothing more but his utmost contempt for all things beautiful, American, and free.

    That's the official memo and it's time we've embraced its message. It would make our lives so much easier. (Or so it would appear.)

  5. What drives the ban on fishing is a recommendation to change the status of loggerhead sea turtles from ‘threatened’ to ‘endangered.’

    This is an issue near and dear to my heart since I used to serve on the board of directors of the Sea Turtle Preservation Society. We had been advocating this status change for years. Florida has the most important loggerhead nesting sites in the Western Hemisphere, and we have noticed a 40% reduction in nesting within the past 6 years.

    Here is the story on MSNBC:

    "Overwhelming evidence points to accidental capture in fishing lines, hooks, nets and dredges as the main culprit in these declines," David Godfrey, director of the Caribbean Conservation Corporation, said in a statement … "Because it is the world's second largest remaining assemblage of loggerheads ... saving Northwest Atlantic loggerheads is critical to the global survival of this species," the group stated.

    David Godfrey, cited in the story above, is a personal friend of mine.

  6. Confederate Yankee has a post claiming that this mythical action by Obama is going to cost one million jobs in the dynamic profession of sport fishing.

    I checked with the latest Bureau of labor statistics, and to my surprise, that makes sport fishing the single largest employment source in the entire economy.

    Who knew?

  7. Actually I think it's a nationwide assessment which includes the Great Lakes. My stretch of coast is a significant egg hatchery for several kinds of turtles. Sadly one of the most common problems I read about is plastic bags - the turtles eat them and it blocks their digestive systems and they usually die.

    Bout of course, that's only God's punishment for - well, there must be something.

  8. I don't know where all these raving tinfoilhatters are coming from. They were all over the place during Clinton's presidency; then they vanished during the Dumbya years; and now they're back with a vengeance.

    Opie having to put away his fishing pole and the catfish parlor going out of business, LOL.

    One time during the Clinton years, I was watching C-Span (which I hardly ever watch), and some doofus was going on and on about United Nations thugs marching into people's yards to make sure no environmental laws were being violated. He didn't mention the black helicopters but I'm sure that was implicit.

  9. Not only that, the US military was to be turned over to the UN and the UN had a giant underground base underneath Philadelphia. Now we have the NAFTA highway and the FEMA death camps for Republican prisoners.

    It's one thing to be batshit nuts, but another to completely forget your apocalyptic predictions as they fail to materialize and move on to another and another. . .

  10. Tom allow me to answer this question for you:

    "I don't know where all these raving tinfoilhatters are coming from. They were all over the place during Clinton's presidency; then they vanished during the Dumbya years; and now they're back with a vengeance."

    The raving tinfoilhatters all had jobs during GWB years...they worked for the administration...

    They are all unemployed now....

  11. It's Teh Death Panelz™ with fish. See what I mean when I say they're out of ideas?

  12. They only ever had one idea -- to destroy civilization.


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