Monday, March 15, 2010

The realm of possibility

I wonder if I could convince the IRS that I never was an American Citizen. Perhaps I could try the method that convinced the100 million or so of America's stupidest that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. After all my birth certificate looks no different from his, save for the name and State. Send for your certificate as you will have to do if you want a passport or to apply for Social Security benefits and see for yourself. Odds are it will look pretty much the same and not like the old handwritten things one used to get once upon a time when the coloreds knew their place or else.

"I mean, someone is going to have to come forward with nailed down testimony that he was born in place B, wherever that is. You know, the speculation is Kenya. And that doesn't seem beyond the realm of possibility."

And by "nailed down" testimony we mean a valid birth certificate, confirmed by the vital statistics department of any state -- just like the one Barack Obama has shown us and that Hawaii attests to, Says Virginia's new Attorney General.

Yes, I know, you don't have to be a genius to be an Attorney General in the State of Virginia and as AG Ken Cuccinelli proves, you don't have to be much smarter than what you'll find in the Richmond zoo -- and no I'm not talking about the keepers. If your head's way up "place B" you'll do fine. It's within the realm of possibility that Obama was born in Kenya, says he and I don't think he's referring to the realm of quantum physics wherein there is also a possibility that he will disappear and be reassembled on Alpha Centauri.

Why even consider the possibility, seeing that the State of Hawaii's official records and official record keepers and the Honolulu newspapers affirm he was born there: seeing as it's been checked and re-checked and confirmed? Because, as some would tell you "where there's smoke, there's fire" and as others would say: "people are saying." Of course where there's smoke, it could be a smokescreen and "people are saying" because they're desperately in denial that a black man could be President and because the media are feasting on that bit of carrion and won't give it up. All in all, the odds are about the same that young Cucchi and I were born in Nairobi as that the President was, and those odds are close enough to zero to be zero.

Of course the dapper young Cuchster was happy to add to the insanity by proposing that someone break a law that the President signed and then take it to court on the basis that the President isn't the President, but probably unbeknownst to him it's been tried, was thrown out of court and the attorney found in contempt. As I said you don't have to have anywhere near three digits in your IQ to rise to the top in Virginia. Put Gucci loafers and a swank suit on a blue-assed baboon and he'll do fine as long as he flings shit at the president of the United States.


  1. Capt., I protesst your maligning of the blue-assed baboon. It is a noble beast and does not deserve to be degraded by using it as a comparison to the Cuccinelli.

    I am of the same ethnic tribe as is the Cuccinelli and am deeply ashamed of it.

    He would have been one of Benito's admireres.

    In addition to his mouth-breather birther belief he also is anti-gay:

    In 2004, Cuccinelli stated "homosexuality is wrong"[30] and during his 2009 campaign for attorney general opposed a nondiscrimination policy against gays and lesbians and stated about homosexual acts: "I happen to think that it represents (to put it politely; I need my thesaurus to be polite) behavior that is not healthy to an individual and in aggregate is not healthy to society." More directly, Cuccinelli said that “homosexual acts are wrong” and that “in a natural law based country it’s appropriate to have policies that reflect that."

    In a "natural law-based country" he wouldn't exist.

  2. We have 'red families', 'red values', and 'red states'

    We have 'blue families', 'blue values', and 'blue states'

    Cuccinelli believes that anything liberal or blue is illegitimate and a threat to his family, his values, and his state/nation.

    Democracy WILL BE REPLACED and in its stead will be formed a 'natural law based country' because what is natural law?

    Its the law that claims that he and his have a natural right to rule.

    Bipartisanship? With that which you consider illegitimate?

    Civility? With that which you consider illegitimate?

    If you believe that a lack of values is what causes poverty then you can logically believe that if one is wealthy one also holds superior values.

    As God has rewarded one with wealth and good health for having superior beliefs then wouldn't you want those of superior wealth to rule? Wouldn't that be establishing "God's Kingdom" on earth?"

    Liberalism is an affront to this world view...thus it is illegitimate and must be destroyed....along with the concept of democracy, the will of the people, equality, and justice.

    What can man's justice promise that God's justice does not? Has not God passed judgement by rewarding the righteous with wealth and health and punishing the less righteous with poverty, bastard children, abortion, and gay marriage?

    Cuccinelli was being honest and open...that is how he believes!

    If it wasn't for the MSM and the liberalism of political correctness then he would not have to backtrack, or claim he was quoted out of context...

    Our mistake is to get appalled at the 'stupidity' when what we really need to be appalled by is the honesty....

  3. Cuccinelli isn't Italian. He was born in Uzbekistan and raised by homosexual baboons. He's yet to offer proof he wasn't -- and people are saying. . .

  4. The honesty of a dishonest man whose beliefs are lies?

    Natural law is code for the Christian Bible and our constitution is based on a deist philosophy that talks about the natural rights of man, not biblical prohibitions and threats, so he's either ignorant of what this country is, or a damned liar.

    The enlightenment philosophy behind our laws is that determining rightness or wrongness take the results of actions or beliefs into account, not the attitudes of some magic spirit in the clouds and therefore nothing is "just wrong" and therefore we are free to do as we please as long as we do not thereby harm or limit the rights of others.

    Crotchinelli, is arguing with the entire concept of liberty, not with any specific issue. The Bible does not support liberty or freedom of choice in thought or deed -- which includes, of course, Democracy and that makes him an enemy: my enemy, your enemy, our enemy.

  5. The good Capt.Fogg writes:

    "Cuccinelli isn't Italian. He was born in Uzbekistan and raised by homosexual baboons. He's yet to offer proof he wasn't -- and people are saying. . ."

    ROFLMAO!!!!! Perfect!

  6. Mr. Cuccinelli has seven children.

    The horror.

    The horror...

    On the brighter side likely a couple will be gay. One will be an anarchist and only one will be a fundamentalist preacher. One will work for Amway. One will be a failed athlete and the dimmest of the seven bulbs will likely follow in its father's footsteps.

  7. One of the funniest things I've seen on the subject of birthers is a short video dramatizing what they actually believe.


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