Tuesday, March 16, 2010



  1. Cool.

    I see a Hollywood remake by the Farrelly Brothers with Ben Stiller and Jim Carrey. Jack Black as the skinhead leader. Christina Applegate is the love interest in a little more high-concept version of this short.

    Not a remake of the Hitchcock classic with Farley Granger & Robert Walker.

  2. Wow - what a truly remarkable film. And very well done.

    Its very simplicity speaks volumes eloquently.

    Terrific that you posted this.

  3. A profound indictment of the current climate of hate and ignorance.
    But also a call to action for the enlightened.
    Heads up!

  4. This was a ‘quick and easy’ compromise post. Originally, my intention was to write about the diplomatic flap between Israel and the U.S. … but what else can one add that hasn’t already been said by Glenn Greenwald!

    The simple plot of this short film is NOT a contrivance. When I was living in Paris in the 1990s, the Israeli and Palestinian exchange students often held block parties in the low-rent neighborhoods where they lived: Make hay while the sun shines … because in another land we return to our old ways. The students accepted the paradox with casual abandon.

    So why write another long-winded piece when a short film (that could only be made in Paris) says more than I can possibly add.

  5. Nice.

    Although my first thought after watching it was an exasperated,


    [Speaking of which, they are kinda hot (the two main characters, not the skinheads). ;)]


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