Monday, January 2, 2012

Fear and Loathing in 2012

the sane man disappears and is nowhere when he enters into rivalry with the madman.


At a New Year's Day Yacht Club brunch yesterday, I suggested to a newly thin friend worried about overeating at the bulging buffet, that we declare January 1st as a National Who Gives a Shit day. We need a break from all this fear and loathing and self flagellation.

For my part, I'm chronically worried about things far more dire than gaining a few pounds; things like a Napoleonic Republican in the White House again, the deliberate collapse of the world economy for the benefit of a few oligarchs, plutocrats and other assorted brigands -- and of course the coming Zombie Apocalypse, the Mayan Catastrophe and the end of an error prophesied on all those bumper stickers.

Of course there are many other things to be depressed about and most of them, unlike that Zombie thing, can't readily be dealt with by stockpiling ammunition. But we need a break from all the apocalyptic insanity, the hate commercials all over the TV with Mike Huckabee howling last night about how Romney's health care plan was "stuffed down our throats" ( by a large majority of voters) even though Obama was elected largely on the promise of health care reform. We need a break from having our basic fundamental liberties torn from us by small minded big mouth authoritarian radicals like Vaneta Becker, the Republican State Senator from Indiana who wants to make it illegal to sing our National Anthem "inappropriately," the constitution and all that freedom we're told isn't free, be damned -- at least in Indiana.

Oh say can you see, our boot on your face -- would that be inappropriate? Now which third world countries can we invade to protect her freedom to sanctify the trappings and rituals of Chauvinistic self worship while rebelling against any government power other than the power to crush the people?

No, I'm afraid National Who Gives a Shit Day barely made it past those chocolate truffles I couldn't resist last night and all those Happy New Year wishes have already turned to ashes with my first glimpse of today's news. It's the same old madness we had two days ago, the same inconsistent, persistent, self-negating rhetoric, the same greedy, angry, irrational revenge-seeking of the idiot mob. Who can worry about brain eating zombies or rampaging Jesus with a flame thrower or Kenyan Kommunists stuffing civilization down our throats when that great slithering thing we call the media are stuffing insanity into every orifice; howling like some Lovecraftian horror from every high place, importuning us from every telephone, billboard and car bumper that obedience is freedom and civilization is tyranny - that prosperity comes from doing what always leads to catastrophe.

For those of us not about to die, or at least not to die immediately, it's January 2nd and I give a shit. I'm fed up with being told that rational discord with marauding barbarians will lead to understanding and progress, that authoritarians will become tolerant of freedom if only we show them respect and exercise patient restraint and all the ancient evils mankind has perpetuated and treasured and nurtured will somehow wither away if we're polite and sincere.

If it is true that fighting monsters brings the risk of becoming one, it is also true that not fighting them, being quiet and polite and respectful toward mad moralizers and authoritarians and fear mongers and every snark-snarling witless witling posing as a philosopher carries the bigger risk. It's time to stop pretending we're on some fence between one reasonable place and another. We're not.


  1. Well Capt, I may not agree with a few trifling specifics, however the overarching premise of this fine article is one rational people can take no issue with.

    Great post.

  2. It's worse than that, Captain.

    The maddest of all mad moralizers, Rick "Frothy Mixture" Santorum, spoke to the idiot mobs of Iowa and told a mostly-white audience that he doesn't want to "make black people's lives better by giving them somebody else's money."

    (He followed that statement up by saying he wants to give black people opportunities, instead.)

    The fact that more white people are on food stamps than are African-Americans and Latinos didn't stop him from singling out that particular group for an insult, as his audience nodded their tiny little heads in agreement, saying "damn right." (I made up that last part.)

    Fight the monsters? How? That sort of stupid is of brobdingnagian proportions.

    And I'm feeling very small.

  3. "Frothy Mixture" Santorum. I Love it Shaw!

    Although I must admit I am struggling to find as much sinister intent with respect to blacks (in Santorum's remarks) as you have.

    The biggest problem with Santorum, at least from my perspective is what I perceive is his tendency towards statism and the natural result that will follow with additional restrictions on individualism. For the purpose to furthering the influence and control of the state over the lives of free individuals...

  4. My wishes for the New Year:
    May it bring more hope to your hop,
    More glad to your glade,
    And more win in your wine.
    May all your hugs be huge.
    Let's raise a toast to Captain Fogg.

  5. And may your silent EEs reach every ear -
    That's my doggerel for the New Year.

  6. Don't talk about toast - I'm hungry.


    In my opinion much of the political rhetoric about freedom is there to lubricate what they're trying to shove up you know where.
    Surveillance and monitoring and dictating morality and how we define our families and how we celebrate holidays. . . what is it but increased government control over private lives?

    of course the "it's my money, every cent of it and I'm not giving anyone anything because it all belongs to me and I had to work for everything so I've got mine and screw everyone else" mantra runs counter to what they say out of the other side of their mouths -- freedom isn't free. They're looking to be free of responsibility and are often arrogant enough to think they would have become rich anywhere at any time and it had nothing to do with culture and civilization and justice and the protection of government.

    My objection to Santorum is most strongly colored by my perception that he's less intelligent than a barnacle. Greed, lust for power, ignorance and small mindedness I can cope with, but you can't fix stupid.

  7. Capt. and all,

    Well, it's going to be a crazy political year, but at least before the Mayan Calendar dooms us all on Dec. 21st. we'll get to see who won.

    My dino funny money is on Obama/Biden. Romney is almost certain to get the GOP nomination because his opponents are mostly loons, but I don't see him winning the general election. No matter how hard he tries to squiggle out of the "Obamney" box, he's going to remain in it because all attempts to break free will be judged inauthentic by everyone and their dog Spot. He's a moderate pretending to be a right-winger during the primaries, and in 2012 the shift for the general election back to "electable moderate" will doom his chances because that obviously isn't what many Republican voters want. And if he stays Right, he loses that way, too. Bottom dino-line: Obama can run as a moderate and win, but Romney cannot.

    Anyhow, what really bothers me about Rick Santorum and Michele Bachmann-style candidates is their apparently sincere conviction that government is the proper instrument with which to bully and punish other people into living by a certain set of divinely sanctioned beliefs. What's so pathetic about them is that they really seem sincere in that conviction. I mean, there are hucksters and frauds who will say anything to get elected, and then there are people who genuinely believe the purpose of gub'mint is to raise up the New Jerusalem in their own image.

  8. Well capt. Liberty and freedom can be viewed in different ways by people. My view closely parallels that of classical liberalism.

    Santorum may or may not be less intelligent than a barnacle. Either way I would not want him as POTUS.

  9. "I'm chronically worried about things far more dire than gaining a few pounds; things like a Napoleonic Republican in the White House again, the deliberate collapse of the world economy for the benefit of a few oligarchs, plutocrats and other assorted brigands -- and of course the coming Zombie Apocalypse, the Mayan Catastrophe and the end of an error prophesied on all those bumper stickers."

    What, you mean to tell me you're not wrought up about the leftist plot to kill Christmas; the threat House Republicans perceived to our national motto; and the impending destruction of the Second Amendment, with a coast-to-coast, border-to-border roundup of honest, law-abiding citizens' guns soon to follow?

    What's the matter with you, anyway? ;)

  10. There was an image on my toast this morning -- looked a hell of a lot like the Buddha. Sorry to say, my grasp of Sanskrit is a little sketchy, especially at 7:30 in the morning and I couldn't make out what he was trying to say - so I ate it.

    So, my question today is: is my consumption of the Buddha going to enlighten me, or is it just a symbolic act? Does someone have to chant "this is my toast, this is my jelly" for it to matter?

    I noticed as well, that those barnacles aren't too picky about doing what and with which and to whom and although I'm pretty much libertarian as concerns private and consensual matters and don't give much of a damn what somebody's chosen books say about it, I won't stand for any of that nasty stuff on my propellers thank you very much.


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