Friday, May 29, 2009

Raping for Freedom

Somebody must be running a little bit scared since the Commander Guy has put away his toys and has entered the stage, making excuses about torture. It's legal and I did it to protect you he said in Michigan last night and perhaps many of those people who decide they're "conservatives" and therefore trust whatever the Republican government says, will buy the story despite their pretended anti-government stance. "I'm from the government and I'm here to inspect your hamburger meat" scares the hell out of them, but "I'm from the government and I rape and murder women and children to protect you" slides down the throat as easily as the Flavor-Aid in Jonestown.

To be up-front about it, I think the experiment is over and democracy lost, but as a cynical observer of our national hypocrisy I'm anticipating a great deal of entertainment if and when the statements of General Taguba and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) are graphically depicted to the public as irrefutable proof. I truly want to see the Decider reduced to justifying the sodomy of little boys to "protect" us. I want to see him justify his love of war and conquest with unscrupulous cowardice. I want to hear Cheney justify shoving light sticks and batons up the rectums of crying and screaming teenagers as "saving lives." Of course they've already done that, but they've portrayed it only as making horned and bearded terrorist devils "uncomfortable" and the man who delights in shooting tame birds laughs at our squeamishness.

I want to hear Rush and Ann tell us that American prison guards were justified in forcing oral sex on captured Muslim women "because they might know something" and we all know they wanted it. I want to hear the lot of them giggle at these pictures. I want to hear them tell us that Iraq was not justified at rising up against us for these acts alone, costing us thousands of lives.

No, we didn't torture anyone, but when we did, it was legal because we make the law and the Geneva convention doesn't apply because old women and boys don't wear uniforms and besides Geneva is in a foreign country when the men are all girly Liberals and Festus, Missouri would long since have become a Taliban stronghold if we hadn't. You may laugh or cry or sputter like a Republican, but that's been the argument.

Did Bush and his henchmen actually save my life in his chambers of horror? If so, my life is worth nothing and your life and your honor is worth less than nothing if you defend it.


  1. Excellent post!!!

    This is very well-written and to the point.

    The time is coming. They will have to answer for their sins.

  2. Damn skippy.

    Either what the Bushies did was evil, or there is no such thing as evil.

  3. Senator Levin debunks Cheney claim.

    Apparently Levin has seen the documents that Cheney wants declassified. Cheney claims those documents prove that torture saved American lives. Levin says they prove nothing:

    "Mr. Cheney has also claimed that the release of classified documents would prove his view that the techniques worked. But those classified documents say nothing about numbers of lives saved, nor do the documents connect acquisition of valuable intelligence to the use of the abusive techniques. I hope that the documents are declassified so that people can judge for themselves what is fact and what is fiction."

    When those documents are released, and hopefully they will be soon to put an end to Darth Vader's disinformation campaign, Cheney will be forever disgraced and discredited … and then prosecuted.

  4. "Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And when you look long into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you."

  5. I think the abyss would recoil in horror if it could look into Cheney.

    I don't care if it saved lives. My life is not so valuable that preserving it justifies the torture of innocents just to see if they're guilty or know someone who is. It brings nothing but dishonor to me and to my country and the next person who lectures me about Christian Values being at the heart of our laws and condones this traditional value had better be packing, because you know I am.

  6. And now, Fogg we are at the very crux of it, aren't we? Who decided whose life was worth more? Enough more to rape, degrade, torture and murder.
    Enough to dishonor a whole nation?
    Not in my name, then, not in my name now.
    There is no defense for the heinous acts committed against other human beings.


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