Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hateful twits, hateful tweets

". . . and forgetting long passed mischiefs, we mercifully preserve their bones and piss not on their ashes."

-Thomas Browne-

Unless of course the vitriol of human meanness courses through your veins, in which case you don your rabid Pit Bull apparel and gnaw on what bones can be found. I've rarely seen such hate, even at a time like this where hate is the entire foundation of American Conservative politics. As fast as the greasy fingers can type, the Internet begins to fill with accusations of murder, treason and more formless forms of evil known as "liberalism." There is no restraint in Mudville now that Ted Kennedy has struck out.

Too many blogs, too many twits, too many accusations to dignify with a reply, but one thing is held in common: the tribe that represents the worst traits of our remote ancestors feels victimized and therefore free from any obligation to decency. They lost an election, their worship of Feudal Corporatism, equal rights and civic responsibility is being challenged - at last - and their true values finally revealed. It's as ugly as it's ever been.

I recently and reluctantly signed up for Twitter. I should have stayed at home. the necessity to keep it all idiotically short as brought out more unadorned ugliness than one finds on blogs.
"Kennedy was a special pile of human excrement,”
rages the ridiculous Breitbart
IF a GOP possesses 1/100 of human failings of T. Kennedy he/she is TOAST,”
is another one of his staggering lies with endless examples to prove it false. Malkin laughs that he didn't go to France for his treatment as though it were funny or actually meant something, others follow suite and Chappaquiddick references spurt like pus from the septic boil of Republic sentiment; from those who would and do accept any act of Presidential treason, dishonesty and manslaughter -- and yes drunken driving. How many people died because George W. Bush was President? No, Kennedy was a “villain,” “a big ass motherf@#$er,” a “duplicitous bastard” and a “prick.”

Pissing on Kennedy's ashes is just a small part of the psychotic rage that fills the void once filled by Conservatives. A conservative by nature does not respond to disagreement by using chemical, biological or nuclear weapons, that's what a madman does, that's what Mr. Breitbart is, that's what Ms. Malkin is and this is what the end of everything sounds like.


  1. Long after one Andrew Breitbart is long forgotten even by the Breitbarts Ted Kennedy will he remembered for his accomplishments in the Senate.

    It just kills mediocrities such as poor little Andrew when others actually live useful lies and make contributions to society.

    What a tiny, tiny little man.

  2. Earlier today, this article caught my attention, College Will Make You an Atheist.

    Immediately, I went through all my personal records to round up my sheepskins. For some arcane reason, those silly parchments separated me from the herd, prevented me from bleating in unison, made me feel shunned by fellow woolies … especially at the communal sheep-dip.

    So I am returning this perfidious paper to point of origin, burning my library, and wiping my memory clean of all knowledge and encumbrances.

    If memory serves, i.e. what little remains, one would think the Christian concept of “redemption” accounts for something, than a man’s good works on behalf of millions would have long ago delivered him from sin. That is why I have decided that stupid is better; it helps one forget one's own transgressions.

  3. But, Octy, the article you refer to was written by:

    Susan Henking is Professor of Religious Studies at Hobart and William Smith Colleges in Geneva, NY.

    If college attendence explains the level of religiousness of a graduate then obviously Susan needs to work a little harder in her classes to convert youngsters in college back to a religious life...

  4. I stopped believing in believing long before college.

  5. And yes, the smallness of these ugly minds is amazing.

  6. One of my Facebook friends is the owner of my towns "online news source." Of course he's friends with Breitbart. So every time he facebooks about this shithead coming to Quincy or saying something vile and ignorant I give him hell.

    Some guy from the Cato Institute jumped on me for it yesterday. I figure if I'm pissing off wack jobs from there I must be doing something right.

  7. Keep up the good work, T101.

    What happened to the Duckless comment, the one where he called me a "creep?" I wanted to add it to my collection.

  8. And the "king of partisan hate" too -- I guess he has to cling to that since he has nothing else.

    Even an associate professor of taking out the garbage at South Shithook Junior college should be smart enough to know the difference between decrying bad government, disastrous economic policies, illegal wars and criminal behavior and "partisan hate," but he can't afford to admit it - everything in his cheesy little life being invested in his cheap sideshow. Everything he seems to stand for has proved a failure so what else can he do but piss on the rug?

    If he didn't have Tu Quoque, he'd just be another dirty Juoque.

  9. Many thanks, Captain. I found the misguided missile tucked inside my spam folder, appropriately enough. Its unusually aggressive tone is what set it apart from previous flak. I do cherish these moments ... a flustered Duckless is the sincerest form of flattery.

  10. "hate is the entire foundation of American Conservative politics"

    Fascinatingly, utterly wrong. This is certainly a special brand of naïveté.

  11. And we have that on your unassailable authority -as um what exactly?

    I'm indulging in some slight hyperbole of course and as you know, but if you're not aware of the reckless and rabid ramblings of the ultra right, one might accuse you of more than naivete' yourself.

    Yes, I accept that there is a responsible right, but today they aren't considered conservatives since the center has moved toward authoritarianism and barely limited Presidential power.
    When former icons of conservatism are now "libs" we've lost the ability to make these terms meaningful.

    I don't know what it means to be conservative in the current sense when the same statement can be either patriotic or treasonous depending on whether the president is Democratic or Republican. I don't know what it means when to bring the top tax bracket back to Reagan's level is "Marxism" Do you? I don't know what conservative means if it's all about calling Obama a Marxist and a fascist and a maoist follower of North Korea's Kim and corrupter of American youth - all of which came out of Fox this weekend. I do know it's hateful and dishonest

    I think that Limbaugh, MAlkin, Beck, Coulter and their ilk have become the backbone of the GOP. That's who I'm talking about as being hate-based and I think it's undeniable that they are. No, that's not all Republicans - not at all, but reasonable Republicans are no longer the voice of the party and seem afraid to anger those hate mongers.

    And even on a more broad scale, the American Conservative movement has opposed each and every guarantee of civil rights for a hundred years at least, from universal suffrage, to being able to live where you want, marry outside of government race laws or sit in the front of some damned bus. Is that hate or not? Inquiring minds want to know.

    Do you recall any Democrats surrounding Bush with guns and carrying signs telling us to murder his wife and children? Have you heard many Republicans condemning that? Which party said you're either in lock step or you're a traitor? I don't. I do know it's about hate.


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