Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Once again a pseudo-Christian group is about to engage in an act of terrifying idiocy that will needlessly endanger the lives of thousands of our service men and women. Story HERE.

I am talking about the plans by the Dove World Outreach Center to burn the Quran. The book considered by Muslims to be the holy word of God. They want to do this to commemorate the Sept 11th terrorist attacks. 19 al-Qaeda terrorists committed heinous acts on American soil but this group of mental midgets believe they should insult millions of people over the acts of a few extremists. As much as I am sickened and angered by the attacks that day, I certainly don’t accept the premise that a religion and all its followers should be held accountable for the acts of a few.

The Dove World Outreach Center has been denied a permit for a bonfire but they intend to break the law and proceed. Just the rumor that they are intending on burning the Quran has sparked violent protests in Indonesia and Afghanistan but they intend to proceed.

Gen. Patraeus has warned, "Images of the burning of a Quran would undoubtedly be used by extremists in Afghanistan — and around the world — to inflame public opinion and incite violence." But they STILL intend to proceed.

Like that moron from wikileaks, it appears that no amount of human lives is too much to pay so they can have their publicity and notoriety. Many of us have had or still have son, daughters, nieces and nephews overseas in harm’s way. And the Dove World Outreach Center wants them to pay with their lives for their actions – for which they will then take no responsibility, citing their right to freedom of speech.

I am so sick of people right now…

UPDATE: There is an Op-Ed piece in the Maimi Herald HERE that is worth a read.
(H/T to Capt Fogg)


  1. A local Humanist group I belong to is trying to organize people to go up there - about a 4 hour drive from here - to protest what they're doing. I've declined and largely because my temper is legendary, my marksmanship too reliable -- and because raising my blood pressure isn't going to do me much good.

    Yes, indeed it's going to feed the certainty abroad that we are trying to repress if not destroy Islam and it's going to feed the impression that anything calling itself Christian; from Reverend Phelps' misbegotten bastard church to the church that set out to murder African Americans and Koreans in my former home town ten years ago.

    And where are the Christians in their millions and hundreds of millions who should be standing up for decency and sanity and anything that could pass for "christian morality?"

    Where the hell are they?

  2. rockync,

    I'd like to cross-post this at my blog. I was going to do a post on it myself, but you've done a terrific job here. I want as many people to be aware of this insanity. Also, Gen. Petraeus has unequivocally stated that this will endanger the lives of our military.

    My nephew Matt, an army ranger, is in Afghanistan.

  3. The Miami Herald today has an opinion piece that goes well with your post: http://bit.ly/b0MOHW

    I've had people all over the world tell me they don't like the US because it's a racist country. I feel embarrassed at all the times I denied it - because it's true.

  4. Shaw - please cross post, I'd consider it an honor.
    I thought your nephew is still there. My son is out and Octo's daughter is coming stateside or is back already. Each of them along with all their comrades in arms deserves to be supported and protected in any way we can. These greasy little toerags from Dove need to crawl back under their rock!
    Fogg - I am also conflicted on whether it would be better to protest them or stay away so as not to garner them any more attention.
    That Op-Ed piece meshes nicely with this post so I'm adding it to the post. Thanks.

  5. Captain - I've declined and largely because my temper is legendary, my marksmanship too reliable --

    Same problem here .... explosive temper ... but this time I am too angry to ignore this outrage and may decide to go.

    May I prevail on you kind folks to arrange bail for me just in case.

  6. Any comment by his Beckness on this issue?

    Frankly, burning the Quran and otherwise mistreating religious and ethnic minorities, seems as American as apple pie.

    Far too many folks needn't bother reclaiming their 'honor'.

    They never had any.

  7. Count this pastor as part of Phelps cadre of idiots claiming to be Christians.

    As people called to emulate Jesus, I fail to see how their actions measure up.

    It is people like this who make my life incredibly difficult.

    Much like the time of our civil right struggles, once again the church is remaining largely silent.

    Sadly, I must interpret that as acquiescence at worst, or apathy at best.

    Either way, it is wrong.

  8. Rocky - "I am so sick of people right now…"

    Time to rediscover your inner raccoon.

  9. I'm too angry to even write about this insane jackass. I have a hot temper and a good aim as well - just no effin money to get down there. Otherwise I wouldn't hesitate.

    The polls suck and the election is coming up and I can't do a effin thing to help. Eye surgery a major requirement for me and my dog and I have to have a huge garage/estate sale to raise funds. Of all the damn times.

    These people are unbelievably awful. Today I get one of those roller (?) emails from an old HS chum claiming that the Australian PM wants Muslims to leave. This is my response:

    " I think the country would be better served if the ignorant right took two minutes to research crap like this. It is abolutely untrue. Please don't send me any more of this bullshit. Ignorance breeds ignorance."

    You're damn right I'm pissed - in case you couldn't tell. I need a cigerette!

  10. "As people called to emulate Jesus, I fail to see how their actions measure up."

    Too many of these "evangelists" have a separate Jesus - one he wouldn't recognize. He's a scroogian Capitalist concerned more with wealth preservation than with the sick and poor and helpless and of course he's just itching to destroy the world and needs only a small crew of self appointed "helpers" to accomplish it.

    I'm convinced that appeals to desist from the military, the government and the VFW can't possible matter simply because they want more war because Revelations ( the only book they recognize ) tells them the big one is coming -- just like it's been telling us for 1600 years. Any day now.

  11. If you asked these people "Which books would Jesus burn?" it seems, they wouldn't get the satire. Remarkable, isn't it?

  12. If you asked these people "Which books would Jesus burn?" it seems, they wouldn't get the satire.

    Instead, they would eagerly pull out long lists from their pockets -- you know, those that also include Harry Potter and a good portion of the K-12 textbooks.

  13. Octo - my inner raccoon is pretty fed up with people too! :)
    Dave - you are now in a similar position to every Muslim in America who suffers from guilt by association.
    Groups like Phelp's "church" and these Dove kooks will undermine everything you say and do.
    It is up to Christian leaders/pastors to take a stand against this kind of crazy.
    Silence becomes acceptance and support. Silence is why 6 million Jews and nearly as many from other groups died in the Holocaust.
    And Silence is giving rise to increased brutality and intolerance against many Americans because of their faith, their ethnic roots or their sexual orientation.
    If these nuts continue to gather followers one day we may all wake up to find ourselves in a nightmare of religious oppression labeled "Christian" where stonings and beheadings will be as commonplace as it is in parts of the Middle East today.
    This book burning is but a symptom of the sickness in this society.
    I am amazed and appalled by the realization that so many people want to return to the "good old dark ages".

  14. I am so sick of people right now…

    Me. too.
    These people are both mean and stupid, and they enjoy being both. They don't want to think or behave rationally. They relish their self-righteous stupidity as if it were a badge of honor. They actually consider their ability to promote hate as a validation of how christian they are. They do indeed make me sick.

  15. Makes me want to contribute to an organization that prints Korans.

  16. I'm too tired to make a reasonable response.

    I've got 3 more weeks of radiation, every day...I don't need this crap as well.

    I don't smoke, but I've been hitting the cabernet for solace.

  17. dmarks: good one.

    Shaw: I'm so sorry you're having to go thru all this BS again. I'd probably drink the whole bottle in one gulp - meaning, I'd have them deliver a case. Please take care.

  18. I should point out how close to home this story impacts us. Within our respective blogging communities, there are friends on the left and the right who have family members serving in the military.

    My daughter is in the military. Shaw's nephew is currently serving in Afghanistan. Pamela has a son who will join the military after graduation. Almost all of us have family members who are veterans.

    It cannot be overstated: The actions of an arrogant, callous, opportunistic extremist puts our loved ones at risk. No need to explain my outrage and anger at this moment which is nothing short of explosive.

  19. And just think what would have happened had the media not picked this up.


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