It’s halftime. Both teams are in their locker room discussing what they can do to win this game in the second half.That was it. A simple celebration of a recovered auto industry. Nothing political, and carefully sanitized pictures of a union rally, with all the union signs photoshopped out.
It’s halftime in America, too. People are out of work and they’re hurting. And they’re all wondering what they’re going to do to make a comeback. And we’re all scared, because this isn’t a game.
The people of Detroit know a little something about this. They almost lost everything. But we all pulled together, now Motor City is fighting again.
I’ve seen a lot of tough eras, a lot of downturns in my life. And, times when we didn’t understand each other. It seems like we’ve lost our heart at times. When the fog of division, discord, and blame made it hard to see what lies ahead.
But after those trials, we all rallied around what was right, and acted as one. Because that’s what we do. We find a way through tough times, and if we can’t find a way, then we’ll make one.
All that matters now is what’s ahead. How do we come from behind? How do we come together? And, how do we win?
Detroit’s showing us it can be done. And, what’s true about them is true about all of us.
This country can’t be knocked out with one punch. We get right back up again and when we do the world is going to hear the roar of our engines.
Yeah, it’s halftime America. And, our second half is about to begin.
But they made the mistake of using "halftime" as a metaphor for "the time to rally your team, build up confidence, and get back in the game." Which, of course, caused the Far Right to just completely lose their minds.
They decided it was a call for a second term for Obama. That, plus the fact that the auto industry was saved because the president loaned them money, and the shrews and screamers of the right wing noise machine went ballistic.
"WTH? Did I just see Clint Eastwood fronting an auto bailout ad???" said Michelle Malkin, the conservative blogger. "I think Clint Eastwood’s credentials as a conservative have been overrated for some time," added David Limbaugh, the brother of Rush and himself a conservative author.Karl Rove was "offended by it." (Which is OK with me - I'm offended that Karl Rove is still allowed out in public.)
"I'm a huge fan of Clint Eastwood, I thought it was an extremely well-done ad, but it is a sign of what happens when you have Chicago-style politics, and the president of the United States and his political minions are, in essence, using our tax dollars to buy corporate advertising."

Doesn't matter. It didn't say that the Kenyan Devil-baby infesting the White House is destroying our Way of Life, so the attack hamsters continue to shriek and spew spittle. Because that's how they roll.
Still scratching my head over this one. Linked at RN USA (More commentary here).
ReplyDeleteWhen Karl snarls and Mish-Heil balks, I take it as a very good sign. It means their doomsday narrative is not resonating with the American public, and their negative messages are lacking in credibility. We should thank our conservative friends, both near and far, for invoking appeals to team spirit. Eastwood's advert makes it harder for Snarl & Company to double-down on partisan fear-mongering,
ReplyDeleteThey are sounding more desperate every day. Bailing out Halliburton and the Oil cartels has been going on for a very long time, but I guess that's OK since those bastards don't pay much in taxes or hire too many Americans.
ReplyDeleteI hope the millions of people whose jobs were saved remember who was against it although they were'nt really against it until Obama did it.
RatNat - OK, so you did link at the very end. But, with all due respect, that's pretty damned close to plagiarism, isn't it?
ReplyDeleteBut it isn't. However, if you like I can take the post down. Only a click away.
ReplyDeleteMight as well leave it up. It is, after all, the only sane attitude.
ReplyDeleteThanks Nameless Cynic.
ReplyDeleteI find it ironic that anyone from the GOP side of the fence would complain about corporate advertising with what is going on in their candidate campaigns - can someone say superpac advertising?