Thursday, December 1, 2016


My feelings vacillate from deep depression to unspeakable rage.  My world collapsed on Election Day, another date in infamy.  How can I face people on street?

Hatred has won.  Xenophobia has won.  Black, brown, Mexican, Muslim, LGBT: Defamations and deportations.  Swastikas in college dorms.  Words of smear and jeer.  Humanity lost.  Insanity won. 

Anonymous people at the checkout counter, I regard them now with suspicion.  Who among them voted for the madman?  Who unleashed the madness?

Are their faces real?  Emotionless and expressionless, are they pod people?  A visage from Invasion of the Body Snatchers.  Parked cars with a Trump/Pence bumper stickers.  I want to lash out in anger; rage against the machine.  To implode or explode?

Our national tantrum, sing along with me:

O bountiful for specious lies,
Bombastic knaves of gain,
From puerile fountain mendacities
Down the putrid drain!
Amerika! Amerika!
Don’t spread your hate on me,
As you drown us all in victimhood
From tree to hanging tree!


  1. Even my gregarious wife is affected by it. You can't go anywhere or talk to anyone for fear of a Trumpist encounter. They're all joyful, like new converts to some eager religion. The Trump has come, all hail the Trump. They're everywhere, they're everyone, they go to rallies cheering and grinning and waving banners like Hitlerjugend with shiny boots. My country, why hast thou abandoned me?

    1. It's especially difficult to sing patriotic songs when you have kelp and dead carp and that orange anchovy leaving a bad taste in your mouth.

    2. I suspect everyone and around here I'm usually right. I worry that others suspect me because I'm not smiling and full of Bubbly cheer - because the Trump hath come. People are amazed at my opinions - truly amazed, for is it not written? And the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Christ Donald, the Prince of Lies.


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