Monday, September 19, 2016

Back in the U.S.S.R.

In the Sunday edition of TcPalm (Sept 18), guest columnist Fay Vincent weighs his voting choices:  “Like many voters, I am trying to find a reasonable basis for voting for either of the two major party candidates this fall.”

In due course, Vincent offers us this thought experiment:  

“Suppose Clinton — while holding an official government position — were to receive a document with no markings or other stamping to indicate it contains classified material. Yet the document contained the names of the top American secret agents or spies serving in Moscow. She would immediately know those names are classified. The law states that information is classified because the government official knows, or is expected to know, the dissemination of that data would harm the national security interests of this country.”

How can we be sure Clinton, or anyone, would know those names are classified?  Is this expectation realistic?  Is Vincent trying to be fair and open minded, or is he rigging his own thought experiment?  A Google search keeps this game in play.  Consider: 

The intelligence establishment is spread among 1,271 government agencies; an estimated 854,000 people have top-secret clearance. 

How can any Secretary of State reasonably know every Boris and Natasha inside this massive bureaucracy? The more practical approach is to rely on paper markings to determine the security status of any document.

Were national security interests actually harmed?  Here is the ‘gotcha’ question underlying Vincent’s argument. We should base decisions on facts, not suppositions without proof. Heated political rhetoric repeated often enough may convince some folks; I see a swing and a miss.

One of my closest personal friends is a former CIA field agent, now retired. Recently, I asked him about the DNC hacking case; of telltale fingerprints left by Russian hackers; of Russian efforts to influence public opinion in the West; and Russia's bankrolling of national front group in Europe.  Most of all, I asked about the Putin connection. Here is my friend’s reply via email (quoted with permission):

“Absolutely. It's hybrid warfare from an old Kremlin playbook with yet another twist.  What really disturbs me is my former friends of the right cozying up to Putin via Putin-funded Trump.  Exactly what you alluded to is terrifying to me. The Russians have disinformation honed to a science at all levels, troll-farms to work on Joe Six-Pack as he reads FaceBook, and the very sophisticated FSB/GRU types leaking timely emails. Russia is not a country ... it's a mafia disguised as a country. If Trump wins we're [expletive deleted].”

I have no reason to doubt my friend. What are the implications?  Two years ago, Russian troops without uniforms or insignia annexed Crimea. Periodically, Russian fighter jets harass American naval vessels in the region. Putin’s next goal is to destabilize Europe, undermine NATO, and dismantle the EU.  Yes, folks, the Cold War is back.

Which candidate has the requisite experience and skills to meet this challenge?  Madam Secretary, or the Reality TV guy with financial ties to Russia?  For me, the choice is clear.

Sunday, September 18, 2016


His name is on the tip of my tongue, but I can’t bring myself to mention it. I refer to a certain presidential candidate who is so ‘deplorable’ and unethical, his name should be unspeakable.

Shameless bully, braggart, egotist, and liar, this man is deeply disturbed beyond measure. ‘Human black hole’ [Tony Schwartz], ‘human leech’ [Harry Reid] and ‘flaming eye of Sauron’ [Kathleen Parker] are some of my favorite appellations.

Anthropologist Jane Goodall describes him as a male chimpanzee engaged in stereotypic dominance behaviors — “stamping, slapping the ground, dragging branches, throwing rocks.” In other words, a man more animal than human.

The best way to experience this 'unmentionable' is to watch him on TV with the sound turned off.  Which is precisely my point.  Why should we listen to him!  And why utter his name!

His bizarre antics have dominated mainstream media for years, and h
is signature bombast has won him far more notoriety than he deserves.  Why play this game?  Hereafter, I will no longer refer to the candidate by name but only by epithet. Without a name, the man is nothing.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Hillary, Pillory, Schlock

As the clock runs down on this election year, I put myself in the shoes of a highly visible public figure and well understand the desire to protect one’s privacy.

Every aspect of your life is on display. How you wear your hair; your nails and emails; your pallor. It’s a boundary issue. What you chose to reveal (or keep under your collar).

A clamoring public demands to know all. You must appear heroic and stoic and hold nothing back. Yet Paparazzi eyes are everywhere — waiting in ambush to catch any momentary surprise or compromise.

Your foe wages war with words. You hear crescendos of innuendos, projections and deceptions. Politics is such a dirty business. You can pander and slander anyone, while a faithful lynch mob slips the knot.

Theater of the Absurd starring the Crook, the Thief, a Lowlife, and Liar, there’s entertainment for all ... but no smoking gun. Even Colin Powell says Benghazi Banzai was a "stupid witch hunt."

When the clock strikes one, you give it your best shot. Put on your high-heal sneakers and your bullet-proof vest. Hillary, pillory, schlock.

Friday, September 16, 2016

These are those Interesting Times

I think it's OK for me to call these interesting times. It may be that hackers with no intent to do so may allow historians to write a more accurate history of the 8 years of George Bush, that period that seems to have changed  the world for the worse is so many ways, taking the US from a thriving economy of surplus to nearly bankrupt, causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands at least, destroying countries, societies, cities and thousands of years of history. Reading the emails from Powel's private server is like opening doors and windows and file cabinets that have been locked for decades. How would we know that Rudy Guiliani actually admits that Obama is a decent man or that Powell thinks the Benghazi thing is a stupid "witch hunt" and she's not to blame? Of course deplorable Trumpsters won't read that, but we will and historians will.

Amongst the national noisemakers, the editors, disguisers, redactors and inventors of history, there may be consternation in reading the letters of Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice that excoriate Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld and Paul  Wolfowitz -- names we're not hearing much about any more. In fact we're not hearing much about W any more either, now that the zombiemakers in the media and the GOP have hidden them behind a wall of denial that Donald can only feel jealous of.  It's all about pathological Hillaryhate as it once was all about pathological Clintonhate. All the bad things of the GWB administration have become Hillary things, Obama things.

Anyway, it's nice to hear those in the know - and Rice and Powell certainly in the know call HRC qualified, with a long "track record" and a respected friend, even if the General is a bit miffed at the attempt to compare his private email server to her email server and Rice's private email server.

I don't imagine he will come out and endorse her, but if there are historians left after the Trumpocalypse, to write about what happened after the GOP destroyed America, becaus perhaps two thousand years from now people will have some idea that the howling, smoking, radioactive remains of America once was and who destroyed it.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Bewitched, Botched and Bewildered on Mid East Policy

Have decades of Middle Eastern conflict made us safe or wise? Last week in back-to-back interviews, the consequences of political pandering and slipshod journalism converged.

Matt Lauer’s bungled interview of Donald Trump failed to reveal this flip-flop: Trump was for the war before he was against it.

“And what is Aleppo?” asked Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson, fudging a question from Mike Barnicle on MSNBC. ”You're kidding,” replied Barnicle incredulously.

Which is worse? Our slovenly state of partisan debate, or failures of journalism to properly frame the news?

Daily soundbites never capture the broader context of history. A headline never tells a complete story: Every intervention in the Middle East by a Western power has upped the ante on radicalism and violence.

Let’s speak of provincialism starting with this quote from the 1960s film, Lawrence of Arabia: “So long as the Arabs fight tribe against tribe, so long will they be a little people, a silly people - greedy, barbarous, and cruel.”

Who then are the little people, the silly people? As a global power, we have become a meddlesome people, yet clueless on matters of Middle Eastern history.

Who remembers the overthrow of Mohammed Moseddegh, the first democratically elected leader of Iran? In 1953, our own CIA conspired with Britain to topple a nascent democracy for control over Persian oil.

“A cruel and imperialistic country” stealing from a “needy and naked people” were the words spoken by Mosaddegh at the International Court of Justice in the Hague. His words echo the animus of Middle Easterners for more than half a century.

Does terrorism represent the face of Islam? Not according to the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia who said: “Extremist and militant ideas … are not in any way part of Islam, but are enemy number one of Islam, and Muslims are their first victims.”

Not according to 70,000 Muslim clerics who issued a fatwa condemning al Qaeda, the Taliban, and the Islamic State. Yet, how many news outlets featured these stories?

Consider the impact of Western interventions over time starting with European colonialism. As empires crumbled in the aftermath of world wars, European powers gave little thought to the demographics of the region. In forming the modern nation states of Iraq and Syria, Britain drew artificial borders around rival ethnic enclaves, thus sowing the seeds of future volatility.

Failing to account for history, the American occupation of Iraq unleashed long simmering resentments. Regime change under the regency of Paul Bremer swept away an established order as the new Shia-dominated government disenfranchised the formerly dominant Sunnis. In short order, ethnic militias, insurgencies, and reprisal murders escalated the conflict.

Follow the trail of duplicity among our allies in the region. Jihadi groups have moved money, munitions, and personnel across the Turkish border. Our military maintains strategic air capabilities in Qatar, Kuwait, and United Arab Emirates even as the wealthy citizens of these countries fund militant groups throughout the region.

How can the enemy of your enemy be your friend when you can no longer distinguish enemies from friends?

We broke it, but Donald Trump has a secret plan to fix it. Is this the same secret plan promised by Richard Nixon in 1968 to end the war in Vietnam? The same non-existent plan that prolonged the war by six more years?

Despite years of conflict and countless casualties, what have we accomplished or learned? If anything, we still live in a dangerous world shaped by blunder and bluster. Buyer, beware!

On Sunday, I mourned the loss of my beloved cousin who died in the World Trade Center on 9/11. Just past midnight on Monday morning, an arsonist set fire to the Islamic Center of Fort Pierce, FL.

Guilt by association. Guilt by religion. Guilt by headline de jour. Endless cycles of blood libel and retribution. When will we finally learn to stop the senseless hatred! Reprisal crimes hurt only the innocent … and eventually someone we love.

(c) 2016

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


A disaster.  Obama's policies have been a dis-ASTER! says one millionaire to the other like some kind of a club password or secret society handshake. How so? I ask and just what policies do you mean?  Things get quiet really quick and I can almost hear the unspoken malediction: "y'ain't from aroun' here, arya?"

No I'm not, I'm from a place called reality and it can be a lonesome place for sure. Fact is, the only disaster  since Cheney and the Chimp left Washington has been the president's inability to perform even one duty of office without all-time filibuster records and total obfuscation. The guy couldn't order a hamburger from a drive-in window without the Jack-in-the Box Republicans trying to stop him, but the "Obama Disaster" is still one of the tent poles that holds up the GOP circus tent. No, he would be a tyrant and would be "trashing the constitution" by appointing cabinet members, but the constitutional mandate for the Senate to discuss his SCOTUS appointment?  Don't ask because you'll have to hold your nose for the answer.

Seems not too long ago that the Dow Jones was at 6,400. after an 8 year stretch of Bush's policies of borrow, spend, and cut revenue. Today was a bit of a disaster for my portfolio but it's still over 18,000, just off some all-time market highs. Disaster.

Today's Census Bureau figures show US household incomes up 5.2%  -- the fastest increase since the end of the Bush Recession, Strange because wage stagnation is another one of the tent poles and yes unemployment is near record lows too, but you know it's magic tent. It really doesn't need poles, it's held up by faith: faith that "Hillary's agenda" and her "policies" will be just as bad as her husbands and Obama's.  We can only hope they are.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

In Sickness and Health

Way back in the 1970's I broke my right arm in a fight. I had been studying Tae Kwon Do and it was after hours and it was with a more advanced student I had no business sparring with and I broke my arm.  I just went home and didn't tell anyone for days.

10 years later or so I  was newly single and had just met this girl I was crazy about and I helped her paint her art gallery one evening.  I had 104 fever that wouldn't go away but I didn't want to pass up the opportunity to spend time with her. I didn't go to the doctor for a long time.

Back in the late 90's I had kidney stones -- pain so bad I couldn't talk.  I took it for a week before I went to the doctor but I refused the Vicodin because it's for weak people.

6 years ago I had a ruptured gall bladder.  Hard to describe the pain, but I ignored it and the pain and fever went away after a week. A couple of years later I almost died from liver complications from it.

Pneumonia?  What are you, a candy ass?  Nobody lets something like that stop them.

So you're president and it's 3 AM and the phone rings.  It's NORAD, something about missiles, but you've got this nasty head cold and you just don't want to get out of bed. . .

Monday, September 12, 2016

Charles Krauthammer is Still an Asshole

Some have been tempted to cut Charles Krauthammer some slack of late, since he's decided to recognize the dangers of a Trump presidency, but he's still an asshole.

The world disdains Barack Obama and he's earned it, he says. There are no actual statistics to prove it, only a handful of anecdotes that support the idea that our enemies don't like him.  Countries engaged in military aggression and expansion have publicly snubbed him: China by making him wait and Russia by making him wait and of course Iran dislikes him too. Of course Putin kept the pope waiting too, but you wouldn't expect an Atheist dictator and imperialist to do otherwise. In fact you might say raising the enmity of  enemies of freedom would be a good thing for a powerful Western leader who has stood up to them. But is China or Russia "the world" or the enemy? If you're dumb or a Republican you just won't think to ask. Maybe you'll raise your right arm in Heil Trump salute, but you won't ask why Putin would prefer someone who is against NATO and doesn't care if he takes back Poland and Hungary and East Germany. . .

But Not Charles Krauthammer. Not the Charles Krauthammer who is smart enough and educated enough to raise inapposite parallels and make false conclusions. Those who pander to the angry rabble and supply them with food for further anger like to portray the ideal leader as someone the world should fear, not admire.

His attempt to impress us with a comparison of Obama with Secretary of State Henry Stimson, who in 1929 declared we wouldn't be indulging in code breaking may be indicative of the isolationism of the Republican Hoover administration in the 1920's but the implication that the US is not indulging and successfully in espionage is without any factual support, which is my way of saying it's a Goddamn lie on top of being a baseless smear against Obama.  Somehow that Putin admires Trump makes such statements stink even worse.

Yes, he's right about Russian and Chinese expansionism but that Obama has stopped short of Nuking them isn't a bad thing. That he simply carries on knowing we are militarily unassailable and on the high ground in support of the free world isn't the same thing as the humiliation Krauthammer sees, or rather wants you to see. I'm tempted to add my suspicion that those who feel humiliation from every angle are the ones with the weakness problem, the lack of self esteem the tiny hands, the fear, but I'll leave that to the shrinks.  Meanwhile the enemy of our enemy is not really our friend at all and Charles Krauthammer is still an asshole.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

In Remembrance of 9/11

Today, I am remembering my cousin, Ruthie Lapin, who died in the towers 15 years ago.  She was an employee of Cantor Fitzgerald.  Rest in peace, dear cousin!  You are always in my thoughts.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Donald Does Detroit

Or at least he tried to and I mean do in the sense of screw. Who thinks that today's speech wasn't written by some staff member to mimic the rhetoric and cadence of a black preacher as the non-black public envisions one?  Who thinks the shot of Donald gyrating with the gospel choir was pandering and that he hasn't been in a whole lot of churches of any kind in a very long time? Pretty much everyone that watched.

Oh Donny, you're a man for all places and all seasons, but only if those seasons are named Lie, Cheat, Steal and Misrepresent. The odds that you knew that or any other Gospel Quote before yesterday are about the same as the odds that you pay any Federal Income Tax.

I have a feeling that you've made more enemies than you had before because it sure seems that you expected the intended audience to be unsophisticated enough and too anxious to please a rich white man not to feel the condescension. The day of minstrel shows is long over Donny. Wipe off the blackface and go home to your penthouse.