Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Say it My way.

The right to advocate for a cause, almost any cause, is guaranteed in the US.  The right to assume the place of sole advocate or sole owner of a cause is not.  To express your own feelings that might in fact share the same goals as that organization is a guaranteed right and no group has a copyright on goals. If I create Fogg's Fight Against Fraud, I do not thereby gain the right to preclude another fight against fraud from pursuing  that fight in their own words. I do not have a monopoly or protection as sole spokesman for truth or justice. I have no right to condemn the good intentions of someone who simply isn't part of my organization.   

A New York police sergeant responding to a call about an “emotionally disturbed person” fatally shot a 66-year-old woman wielding a baseball bat.  We can, of course  be sure this is explained by police racism, although the article gives no description of the woman.  So how can I be sure?  Because James O’Neill, the New York police commissioner said “Every life to me is precious.” and was answered by a call from the crowd of "black lives matter." O'Neill is a racist and that's that. Act inclusive and you're a racist or in other words not a member of BLM, Inc.

You can't call me a dog hater because I think all animals shouldn't be abused nor called a racist because I think no one should be subject to police abuse. Yet I am and Commissioner O'Neill is, and a chorus of Liberals tells me I have no right to stand up for freedom and  justice for all if it interferes with the program and agenda of self-appointed BLM. 

The implication of this attitude is that authority and morality and social obligation and equality under the law are based on race. The reason for the blindfold on all those statues of Justice is to refute that and to use that blindfold as a gag is simply shameful.


Donald Trump Overture

Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Trump, Trump, like some ghastly, grotesque operatic overture. Trump, Trump, Trump, the boys are marching; marching  like the boot heels of goose stepping Trump Troopers trampling respect, compassion, freedom, truth and the fabric of  decency - the remains of Democracy.

I no longer take my second cup of coffee and watch the news and weather in the morning. It's nothing but Trump today as it was Trump yesterday and the day before. Three days of conjecture about the upcoming debate. Three weeks until it's over, How long until he starts taking prisoners, rounding up undesirables, sending them somewhere.

Heil Trump, he'll make Deutschland America great again - soon - after we remove those elements rotting our greatness. It was a disaster, remember, a Disaster. Mexicans groping your wife, you daughter, your mother, remember?

Trumpgestapo  at your door:  your papers please!  Vote for Clinton?  Come with me. No one will care, no one will see.  You with the scarf, you with the beard: track 6, the red boxcar, all aboard.

You can hardly see through the fog of hate. You can hardly see anything but that snarling orange face, snorting like an angry bull. You can hardly see America from your window.

Cheatos for Breakfast

I begin each day with morning coffee, a newspaper, and a glance at the opinion pages. This morning, I found a letter to the editor exhorting us to “Vote Republican (even if you don’t like Trump).”

Written by Robert G. Bannon of Vero Beach, FL, I wondered: Is this Bannon related to Steve Bannon (who choked his wife, faced battery charges, and threatened to kidnap his own children)? The one who hates Jews and considers them to be “whiny brats?”  Steve Bannon of Breitbart, the fright mart of cringeworthy conspiracy news?  Steve Bannon who now serves as Donald Trump’s campaign manager?

My overactive imagination jumps to conclusions; never judge one Bannon by another. Nevertheless, I penned a reply:
Bill Clinton cheats on his wife. Impeach him! Trump demeans women and brags about sexually assaulting them (while cheating on his wives). Elect him?

HRC oversaw the State Department when 4 people died in an embassy attack. Put her in jail. Over 200 people died in embassy attacks under two former Republicans presidents. Huh? Colin Powell called the Benghazi hearings a partisan “witch hunt.” Anyone listening?

Immigrants don't pay taxes. Build a wall and kick them out. Trump doesn't pay taxes. This makes him a genius?

The Clinton Foundation spent 87% of their donations helping people. She’s a crook. In contrast, Trump bought himself artwork, paid lawyers, and paid off investigators to avoid prosecution … spending less than 5% of donations on actual charity work (forcing NY State to shut down his fraudulent foundation). Savvy?

HRC declares a $700k tax loss. Lock her up! Trump declares a billion dollar tax loss in one year … leaving behind a trail of bankruptcies, lawsuits, and small contractors who were never paid for their work. This makes America ggrr8?

Hillary apologizes for using private email servers. Lock her up! Trump lies about everything he actually said (with his own voice on tape). Hero?

Honest Republicans have disavowed him. Yet, Trump supporters filter only the news they want to hear. Their double standards are offensive. Their blind willingness to support a scoundrel with recycled rhetoric is absurd. Tone deaf denials are not facts. Hypocrisy is not a platform.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Donald Trump is a Fascist

"The political establishment that is trying to stop us is the same group responsible for our disastrous trade deals, massive illegal immigration and economic and foreign policies that have bled our country dry."

-Donald Trump-

I hear these speeches, cheered on by sign-carrying and furious Trump Troopers and it all sounds familiar. Not just in content but in tone and although that tone has everything in common with the rants of dictators and revolutionary heroes longing to become dictators, the content suggests an ancestry shared with the NSDP or as we're used to calling them, the Nazis.

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion has been around a long time, has been thoroughly and resoundingly debunked by many different students of our human history of evil, but of course it survives, postulating a shadowy international cabal that controls the banks and financial institutions for malicious purposes: the Jewish enemies of freedom and prosperity.  Sound familiar?  My copy was published by a "Christian Nationalist organization in California and it's widely printed in the Arab countries and taught as true.  Sounds like Trump,
doesn't it, but it sounds like the deranged and obstinate beliefs of hard core Trumpists now that his candidacy has all but been destroyed by his speeches and actions. His use of that 1000 year old meme about Jew in the banking system and how it cheats noble countries like Germany and the USA out of their fortunes. Somehow, though, perhaps as an adjunct to the evil Jewish cabal, Hillary Clinton runs that show.

Then there was the American Fascist,  Father Coughlin, still revered in some Christian and anti-Semitic circles, with his radio rants stinking of the Protocols: the same sort of blame games found in Hitler's speeches. He had to be silenced by the Roosevelt Administration for his open support of Hitler. He lived until 1979 and although he was no longer on the air that I know of, one still finds web sites supporting him. Yes, he sounds like Trump too.

"Safe for dictatorship?" whines Coughlin "Or safe, safe for the international bankers?"

Listeners were left with no doubt that in this speech advising us to leave Hitler alone in sein Kampf against the world wide control of the Zionist elders, Back Hitler or you let in the Jews. He was talking about Jews: hooked-nosed, swarthy, hand-wringing, usurious, Christ Killing Jews, the ones who secretly control the world along with Hillary Clinton, the Illuminati and the Ancient Aliens.  

Jews were the illegal aliens of Europe, although they had been there for thousands of years. They were aliens and had to be deported as Ezra Pound said on the radio in 1942 while living in Fascist Italy: 

"You let in the Jew and the Jew rotted your empire." 

 He sounds like Trump too because they are both Fascists and the sound of Fascism, the sound of Trumpism, is the sound of hate. The enemy is hiding among us and we have to keep them behind walls.We have to put them in boxcars and send them to remote places for "special handling"

I realize that Trumpers don't give a damn about these things. Not the least little bit, but Jewish organizations like the Anti-Defamation League are trying to be heard with not much success.  

But to remain quiet is to repeat the mistakes of those here and abroad who kept quiet in the 1930's until at least 20 million people died.  Donald, who openly brags that his intelligence comes from his Aryan genes. Donald whose staff have launched anti-Semitic tirades of name calling against Jewish critics, and his son, Donald Junior, has been criticized for making a gas chamber joke as a warning to critics.

Safe indeed. Is America safe for free people with Donald Trump and his beer-hall rabble and all their guns?

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Nothing is True and All Things are Permitted

Half truths, whole truths, twisted truths and bullshit. Whether or not it takes all kinds, we get all kinds and although you'd think "fact checks" like I just saw on NBC would be there to check facts objectively, Don't Risk Offending is the operating principle. The news is not a public service, it's the entertainment business. Don't risk offending.  Checking Trumps assertion that the Obamas had launched the most vicious personal attacks against Hillary Clinton - ever, there was no way they could get around the falsehood and rated it untrue.   Did that make it necessary to call her assertion that we were now for the first time energy independent a lie?  Of course the "ever" part is, to be kind, hyperbole. We were energy independent back when oil wasn't very important and things ran by coal.

We certainly were not under the previous administrations lascivious love affair with the Saudis and Prince Bandar and the Bin Laden Bank were keeping W out of the financial troubles he had got himself into.  Remember when we were told Obama was anti-energy and his policies of forbidding exploration was going to destroy the US? Well the percentage of foreign oil used is now down to 28% from it's peak in 2005 of 68%. and on track for nearly zero in a few years. Remember all that "drill baby drill" rhetoric?  Well if you're looking for actual lies. . .

So we're nearly there and on track for 90% independence in short order, thank you, laws of supply and demand, Barack Obama's "policies" and screw you Sarah Palin and John McCain. That was all a lie. But to NBC, Hillary was lying -- just like Trump and so they're both proven liars.   That's where the bullshit part I mentioned above comes in. Do they check his indefensible and offensive facts and figures?  Not really. It's just one lie each and they're both equally guilty and any stretch, and innacuracy is the same as murder 1.

It's been that way a long time.  I remember back during the Bush Vs. Gore ordeal, one of the network nitwits looked at the camera and said "Gore lied -- he lied" in a whining tone.  The lie? he had quoted some figure as 4.6% instead of 4.8%.  In this world of grotesque and titanic lies it hardly seems to count and the tiny discrepancy was utterly meaningless, but to be fair and balanced, the Media can't actually take a stance and the truth is just a commodity. We need only a Pilatus to ask us Qui est Veritas in this sick passion play.

Is it any wonder we can no longer tell the difference? anything can be explained away, anything can be painted up as satanic and to our spinning heads the far fetched, ad hoc ad hominems and hilarious hypotheses about how he's not a rapist or a bigot or a racist or even a misogynist might just as likely be true as the unfettered conclusion that he' really is all of those things and William of Occam be damned. What, after all, is truth.

America and its Fears

What are we so afraid of, we Americans?  Everything it seems. Everything is too dangerous, nothing is nearly safe enough now that life is safer in America than it ever has been. We live longer than Americans ever have. We're less likely do be murdered, to die in a car accident or shot in a robbery. Sure, the progress isn't smooth and it affects us erratically, but the things certain to kill us are heart disease, Cancer, organ failure and complications of Diabetes. We're making progress on those things, but yet we have Americans terrified of  the very remote chance of  a pressure cooker bomb but who smoke, text while driving and are 150 pounds overweight.  We are now and always have been irrational creatures, reluctant and even afraid to base our actions and opinions on objectivity. On that fact are our political passions based.

A survey by Chapman University results in a list of what Americans fear most and by far, the largest concern is corrupt government officials. Nearly 61% tagged this as their biggest fear.  Is government so much more trustworthy than it was in my childhood when nearly everyone trusted the government?  Does it correlate to any actual increase in corruption over the days of Nixon and Agnew?  It's easy to dredge up lists of the worst presidents using Google, but basically any premise can be supported with Google searches and any president shown to be corrupt, but so much of it is motivated by political objectives.  Near the top of the list of the search I just did is titled Obama: The Most Corrupt and America-Hating President in US History  That's seriously untrue and there also seems to be an odd correlation between popularity and the reality of a president's term in office. What you blame them for or credit them with says more about your prejudices than their principles.

But next on the fear list is "terrorist attack," fear of which seems loosely linked to risk statistics. more than 40% of are afraid of swarthy invaders with bombs. Should I suspect that people a hundred years ago were just as afraid of Bolsheviks  and Wobblies and Anarchists with just as little reason? But of course nearly as many are afraid or very afraid of Obamacare. 38 1/2% are afraid of gun control. 37 1/2 % are very afraid of economic collapse.

Not all fears are unwarranted at all, more than a third of us are afraid of losing a loved one, of not having enough money in the future. These are real possibilities, but fear of irrecoverable economic collapse seems less so and our record of predicting such things seems laughable. We've had 8 years of panic about the imminent collapse and before that 8 years of denial of the probability and at present, we can't agree whether we're in a bull or bear market even if the Dow has gone from 7000 to over 18000 in 92 months of increase.

To fear is human and animal too, for that matter, and evolution has predisposed us to worry too much than too little, but so much of what we fear and the degree to which we fear it is the result of deliberate action and the actions of opinion makers and fear mongers; scam artists and profiteers. On the internet we find as much support for a flat earth, a 7 day creation and the fraud behind the Pythagorean Theorem as we do for   Obama: The Most Corrupt and America-Hating President in US History or for Hillary Clinton as liar, thief and murderer and like the cowards we are and are trained to be, we select the scariest, not the most plausible or the most supported by facts. We do the same with the promises of politicians.  Ask yourself whether you really believe your candidate can hope to do more than give lip service to the Utopian visions he describes or whether in fact anyone could given the complexities of government. Do you really?  Do you think your 4 door Nissan sedan is a race car like the commercial says it is or whether women will swoon over your "crossover?"  And if we elect politicians on such a basis and we look at or overlook their performance with the same selective eye, whose fault is it?

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The Numbers Don't Lie

Watching Bloomberg TV this morning as I do on weekdays, I heard mentioned that we're in the 92nd consecutive month of the current bull market. But what do they know? Uncle Donald says it's a disaaaaaster.

That's consistent with the TV ad I saw a few days ago talking about the current bear market and maybe with all those ads of a few weeks back urging me to buy gold at more than $100 an ounce higher than it is today.

Of course unemployment is a disaaaaaaster too, hovering around 4.9 to 5 percent although Trump has assured us it's really over 30% and anything you read to the contrary is a lie, but like oil and gasoline and coal prices the numbers are set, not by the free market, but by Hillary Clinton just as John McCain assured us they were set by Barack Obama when he was a candidate. Laws of supply and demand? Market forces? What? When Trump becomes Führ - I mean President, that will change, let me tell you!

Monday, October 10, 2016

Locker Room Talk, misogyny and Cover-Ups

It's evidently difficult for Americans to tell an unsupported assertion from a hypothesis based on evidence. That's more true than it ever has been because we have the Internet to support anything no matter how insupportable.  All it takes to launch a cult is a plausible assertion and an anecdote, neither of which has to have any basis in reality at all as long as it satisfies that old human passion for conspiracy, bigotry and the hunting of witches.

Normally I avoid dressing conjecture up as a campaign, but the gloves have been off for quite a while and it's hard to take too much more of Hillary-Killary-Shillary who flies around on a broom and has been making all major policy decisions for the Federal government for 30 years. The search for things to attack her with is so desperate that when the supply wanes, the demand for fiction will bring creative results. No exoneration no matter how rigorous or lengthy or hostile can overcome the certainty of her universal guilt of something and everything.

So here it is: Donald J. Trump has gender issues and he's afraid you'll find out.. What he calls his love of beauty and what he calls "Locker Room" talk are ego defenses covering up the inner Donald who is afraid of and perhaps even disgusted by women.  He seems horrified by the fact that women need toilet facilities, that they menstruate. If he is indeed attracted to women, or if he just uses them as props, they must be young and beautiful in the extreme so as not to allow any question as to his machismo and of course to flatter his fragile narcissistic ego. I've never heard such exaggerated raunchiness in a locker room unless it's by 14 year old boys full of fear and lust and sexual frustration but eager to seem like men. Real men don't talk that way. Real men don't call their daughters "pieces of ass." Donald is not a real man.

Trump needs to think you see him as an icon of manhood and to him that means demonstrating dominance and control over women while asserting that women can't resist him and not just for his money. If they do, it's because they're fat and ugly and crooked and disgusting and have no judgement.  How could they if they're not fawning all over them as he gropes and grabs.  Feeling like the man for Donald means bragging and the right to feel contemptuous. It means arrogance and I suspect the roots of arrogance lie in a hidden sense of humiliation. How can I not suspect that like Hitler, a fulfilling relationship with a woman was impossible.

And speaking of Hitler- that's right, I said the gloves were off, didn't I?

Saturday, October 8, 2016

The Greater Groper

Back when America was great, or at least when Humpty Trumpty suggests it was, America was about free trade and open borders, the business of America was business and laissez faire Capitalism was King. That's sort of the message I get from Clinton's "secret" speeches, you know the ones that show she's in league with the minions of free market Capitalism. How the hell did it come about that a truly rapacious freebooter who wants to destroy banks and financial institutions like a Bolshevic's wet dream, who thinks he has the right to grope your wife for sport, who doesn't believe in paying his bills and has cheated his way to the top is the champion not only of the GOP but of the people he routinely screws? So she suggests that bankers and brokers and the like know best how "Wall Street" should be regulated, that's not saying they should be given the power to self-regulate. It's saying that they know what's going on better than congress or you for that matter. The Trumpshevics hope you think so, but then they just assume you're dumb and uneducated, mad as hell and half drunk. Go ahead, scream about Killary, you idiots, you'll be first on the bread line.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Which Trump Do You Love?

Viruses like HIV that have an extremely high mutation rate, like moving targets in general,  are hard to fight.  The same thing seems to be true of Donald Trump.  Not only a moving target, he's one that jumps from quantum state to quantum state and can be at two places at one time.

Many people seem to have trouble understanding how he can make a fool of himself over and over again and suffer no adverse consequences. Trump himself has commented, with no small degree of smugness, that he can get away with anything, and indeed discussing one day's outrageous statement or act is difficult because it's so soon swamped by today's outrageous and sometimes contradictory statement. One day he's going to put millions in boxcars and send them to camps, the next day he's going to be compassionate. Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee, fade away like smoke.

My estimation of Charles Krauthammer has never included objectivity, so it's still surprising to read this morning's column saying essentially the same thing: that there is a constant stream of new Trumps emerging and evolving from the original strain. Never the Same Trump Twice.  All those expensive Clinton ads showing people being grossly insulted by Donald's angry ravings make his opponents glad at heart, but do they work on those so desperately clinging to the delusion that he's not a thug and a bully and an ignoramus and a liar pandering to the worst of the worst?  He can tell us that Hillary Clinton quite literally founded ISIS and the next day deny it and the following day repeat it and America with it's heads spinning simply forgets the details and only remembers to associate any Clinton supporter with apocalyptic disaster and the darkest of evil. He knows better than the Generals?  He's going to "carpet bomb" ISIS? He's going to change the prime rate, take direct control of the troops, invoade the Middle East and take the oil home ina bucket? He's going to fix the schools?  He's going to make the US look like some walled Sumerian city-state from 3000 BC? Is there time to mention that he can't, that no president would have the power or the funds or the time or the support from Congress or the Court?  Before you can drum that into the many-headed beast of America, he's elsewhere telling us about his heroic sacrifice for our country which consists of sleazy and illegal business deals.

Can anyone get Americans to consider the enormity of refusing to divest himself from hundreds of offshore business relationships, some in strategic countries like Turkey? Refusing to show us his sources of income, his debts and to whom he owes millions.  Can anyone get Trumpers to care that he steals from a charity with his name on it to pay his lawyers to shield him from punishment? Hell no, they're too busy braying like asses about Crooked Hillary.

The Democratic ads and essays might as well be written on water. The Trump of ten minutes ago is no more, yet the Trump goes marching on.